Inspiration abounds! Hope Floats & Supporters are having some fun in Halifax! Magine that!

Week seven of the Hope Floats journey to Vancouver (morphed into journey around Canada) was great fun as we traveled another 2198 kilometers! We spent quite a bit of time in the Maritimes and haven't finished with our gorgeous east coast yet!
After paddling 173 kilometers from Channel Port Aux Basque to Cape Breton Island we decided we needed a rest. Instead of portaging with the dragon boats, so we sent them ahead to wait for us in New Brunswick for our paddle to P.E.I. We put on our snow shoes and headed out to experience the Cabot Trail.
and took a short break in Inverness, where we hung out and played some hockey.
We then circled around the south end of Nova Scotia and we find ourselves in Halifax. Each week we have a few stragglers sending us their kilometers and adjust accordingly, we have traveled an amazing 17.930 kilometers in 7 short weeks! We have 2 weeks to go, including the Holiday Season so even though we are close to home, we need to pull together and finish strong!
With two weeks to go of our Journey around Canada (aka Journey to Vancouver) we will leave you with the immortal words of Helen Keller.
Stay safe and enjoy the great outdoors this Holiday Season. With the new restrictions province wide for covid-19 mitigation, the very best place for us to be is in our homes, followed by exercising out of doors! Let's make the best of it and overshoot our goal! 2,500 kilometers will get us home, lets try to take the long way home! There will be a ZOOM get together for all of SNCC's family and friends between Christmas and the New Year, featuring Carolyn Swan's yearly Trivia questions. We can't get together in person, so we will get together virtually. Stay tuned for the date and time along with the Zoom link! Hope Floats Wellness Committee Ann, Anne, Anne Marie, Brenda, & Marilyn


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