HOPE FLOATS Journeys Around Canada finishes strong! 22,617 kilometres


We traveled 2416 kilometers in our final week of our Journey around Canada, bringing us to a total of 22,617.57 kilometers.    Wow!    Way to go team!   

Not only did we journey all the way around Canada, we did it with 1,500 kilometers to spare!

Once we reached Lock 1 of the St. Lawrence Seaway Authorities Welland Canal, we launched our dragon boats and paddled up the Canal to the beautiful Welland Recreational Canal to make out way home to the Welland International Flatwater Centre!

Where will we go next?  We are going to take a week or two to plan our next adventure.   

The Hope Floats Grow Grant implementation committee is currently putting together a twice weekly zoom workout for Breast Cancer Survivors and their family and friends.    

In the meantime, we hope to see as many as you as possible on the South Niagara Canoe Club Monday, Wednesday & Friday zoom workouts with SNCC coach Tim Ostiguy.     

Your Wellness Committee

Ann, Anne, Anne Marie, Brenda & Marilyn


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