Quebec City.."la vie est belle"


"la vie est belle" translation is "life is good".  French Canadians love this expression because they really do enjoy to live in the moment. Who wouldn't enjoy a gorgeous street like this in Quebec City. History, culture and ambiance are all here waiting for us to experience and enjoy! 

Speaking of "experience" let's check out the one and only ice hotel in North America. Just 30 km outside of Quebec City this hotel is built brand new every year. Made entirely of ice of course it features a grand reception area, a bar wherein your drink is served in a glass made of ice and, there are hotel rooms. You sleep on a bed of ice (yes they give you warm comforters). The theme changes every year in this hotel as they assemble the blocks. There's even been a chapel in previous years for getting married in! Does that include an "icy" reception I wonder.

All kidding aside, not sure if we'll see it this year as it's weather dictates usually opening in January. But here's a few pics from previous years.


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