End of Week 5! Bonjour, Bienvenue au Québec

It was a long hard trek through the beautiful Canadian Territories  but we made it!    Here we are in Northern Quebec.

The harsh weather and portaging with the dragon boats across the Northwest Passages slowed us down a bit.  We covered 2,168 kilometers this week for a total of 13,251.     

We made up some time on the water!

Over the weeks, we have had a few stragglers fall back, and the batteries on their cell phones died, so they were late getting their kilometers on the record.    An update of the actual numbers are:

WeekTotalRunning Total

As we head into week 6 to start moving south east toward Newfoundland/Labrador let's all remind ourselves of the impact each and every one of us makes on the success of our crew!


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