“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”- Lao Tzu

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
                  Lao Tzu
Nine years ago today, I entered NGGH with my daughter to have my breast cancer surgery.
Just 11 months after the death of my husband, I was on a true journey into the unknown.

After my surgery, and 27 days of radiation, I began a new journey alone.
I got on a plane and flew to Panama.
I packed my tube of third degree burn cream and a stack of white men’s Stansfield tee shirt.
I walked the beaches and followed the route  the Panama Canal to its source.
After the first journey, I have travelled thousands of miles alone.

November 1st, I began yet another journey.
This time I am walking to Vancouver with friends.
Although, I am walking by myself, I am not alone.
Friends and family will walk beside me with faith and support.

This is a new journey!
This is an adventure!
The road ahead is clear!

- Audi Johnston - Hope Floats member


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